Ⅰ 有H1B在美國買房最高貸款額度是多少
_贅抖疃齲菏贅?50%, 貸款50% (條件好的可以提高到40:60 存貸比)貸款額度:30萬美元-1500萬美元。需要提交的申請材料:1)簽證復印件。簽證必須至少一年有效期。2)護照復印件。3)3份信用參考(可以是信用卡12個月的付款記錄,按揭付款記錄,電話賬單付款記等)。4)由單位證明的工資收入。(這份證明必須是印有單位名稱的信紙,有人事部門簽字蓋章。工作單位必須有網址。該證明必須包括就職開始年月,職位,過去兩年以及今年迄今的收入情況。今後3年的任職情況預估。)5)過去30天的在中國或美國的銀行結算表。6)材料翻譯成英語。貨幣單位換算成美元。7)填寫一份申請表。8)在買賣成交前必須申請一個報稅號提供給銀行。(利息部分可以減稅,銀行每年發給你當年利息總額)。可以請律師做這項,也可以自己網上操作。
Ⅱ 請教金融英語翻譯
Ⅲ 把下面的翻譯成專業英語,好了加懸賞100
(5) warehouse director (CWO)
1. The post responsibility
Calculation raw material inventory prices; Calculating the finished proct and finished goods inventory cost; Make the optimal raw material inventory and no inventory procts plan; Fill in the program list.
2. The task and sand table simulation rules
(1) calculation raw material prices
The purpose of the raw material price calculation is reasonable purchase of raw materials, and and warehouse cost comparison, again according to the proction capacity, financial status, strategic planning decided to purchase quantity, buy time.
Raw materials M1 M2 M3 M4
Stock price/year 30% 70%, 60%, 20%
Table 5-1 raw material inventory cost management parameters
(2) calculation finished goods stock prices
If a large procts piling up in warehouses, can proce certain cost, not only increased the cost of finished procts, but also to enterprise's cash receipts and expenditures. Therefore, we need to make a reasonable inventory level, ensure the stock optimization.
Proct Beryl Crystal Ruby Sapphire
Stock price/year 40% 10%, 20%, 40%
Table 5-2 proct inventory cost management parameters
(6) chief financial officer (CFO)
1. The post responsibility
To raise and manage money, make cash budget, properly funds, to pay the cost, cost accounting, financial statements submitted on time, strengthen the financial analysis.
2. The task and sand table simulation rules
(1) develop the budget
Cash flow is the company's sustainable business safeguard, in annual began simulation, chief financial officer of this company members according to the decisions, make this year's financial budget-cash flow statement to reflect this year the company cash position, and use that to determine in this year whether does the company undertake financing other decisions.
(2) to pay taxes
Enterprise income tax legal rate is 25%. When enterprise profit in that 25% of the profits calculation, early next pay; When enterprise make up for five years before losses after a profit, the calculation method of income tax for: (pre-tax profit + (in the first five years of net profit)) x 25%. According to the financial director last year for the income statement "income tax" a numerical take out the corresponding cash placed in the sand table on the "tax" place and do the cash register records.
(3) for short-term loans/update short-term loans/pay interest
To get the new loan: short-term loans in every quarter may apply. Can apply for the highest quota for: last year the owner's equity x 2-for short-term loans.
Updated short-term loans: if the enterprise have short-term loans, please finance director will empty barrels to cash area direction one case. Move to cash library, said short-term loans expire.
Debt servicing: short-term loan payments with this rule is the clear. Short-term loan expires, the need to pay a barrel 20 M x 5% = 1 M of interest, and therefore, the principal and interest in 21 M. Chief financial officer in the library from cash take cash, of which 20 M return a bank 1 M in place on the sand table "interest" in place and do the cash register records.
Folk financing: enterprise can apply for private financing, financing the provisions of the folk loans with short-term loans. The management of the folk financing with short-term loans, just different interest rates.
No matter long-term loans, short-term loan or folk financing are to 10 M as the basic unit of loans, long-term loans maximum term of 4 years, short-term borrowing and folk financing ration of a year, less than one year by a year plan breath, loan expires refund.
(4) update the account receivable/return accounts payable
Discount: is the action into cash accounts receivable and accounts receivable discount can at any time, according to the director of finance and take multiple accounts receivable, 1/7 of them as a discount on the cost on a sand table "discount" place, 6/7 into cash area, and do the cash register records, accounts receivable account when considering not discount of factors.
Chief financial officer will receivables to cash library forward one case, to the area of the cash that become cash, cash payments to record. Please finance director will e to cash a case forward area. To cash library, from the library of cash paid cash accounts payable and ready to take cash receipts and record.
(5) pay administrative management fee
Management cost is the enterprise in order to maintain the issue of operation management personnel salary, poor travelling expenses, entertainment, etc. Chief financial officer put out every quarter 1 M in "management fee" place, and ready to cash payments processing
Ⅳ 江湖救急!急!請高人幫我翻譯幾段英文!
沒有任何東西能阻隔我們的承諾,即使別人的承諾被打破了也不會把我們分開。在 MassMutual,維護我們的承諾是我們的信念,也因此,所有依靠我們的家庭及企業也可以維持他們的承諾。
Ⅳ 銀行賬單一般有三行分別是debit。credit。balance 他們分別怎麼翻譯阿
debit 借記 表示扣款
Credit 貸記 表示入賬
balance 結余 表示賬面余額
這里的debit credit都是站在銀行角度的,所以和企業記賬方向相反。有些銀行會給正負號區分,有些銀行不給,要注意區分。
Ⅵ 請問這句英語怎麼 翻譯呀,請高手們幫幫我
Credit Purchases 是指做某項服務,可以積累點數到足夠時可以買東西。
在這里 Free Referrals & Ad Credit Purchases 是說:免費介紹和作廣告的積累(點數)(我們可以付你現金)
ad [/a/ d] 名 廣告
Ⅶ 翻譯下,謝謝
1st, in loans in the specified amount, which project content chooses to assign by the loan country.
2nd, if loan country choice heavy-ty truck, then the Chinese government's Specialized agency carries on the domestic choice, if selects our proct this proct to enter this country along with the project.
Ⅷ 這句銀行文件條款怎麼翻譯在線翻譯答案勿答!
Ⅸ 請問貸款本金余額的英文怎麼翻譯啊謝
the balance of principal of a loan
Ⅹ 幫忙翻譯一下銀行帳單上的詞
credit limit .... 信貸額,大概是指你的貸款額度
APR..... 我猜是4月的縮寫,Apr.
previous balance ... 之前的余額,大概是上期/上月/上季的余額。
debits... 借,但銀行要從銀行的角度看。就是你欠的錢